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- Closed Loop Cooking Weekly Newsletter 2.21.20
Closed Loop Cooking Weekly Newsletter 2.21.20
Closed Loop Weekly 🔥 The Why of Our Work

February 21, 2020
Hi fam,
I want to talk about the why of my work. The intentions behind late night post write-ups, a fridge door full of sauerkraut, balancing multiple freelance gigs to make everything float. It doesn’t always feel exciting–sometimes food tastes terrible (though rarer now) or I miss a deadline or I play the comparison game. Sometimes this obsessive drive doesn’t feel like a real thing and I ask myself if this matters. But those moments are few and far between the longer I do this. The longer I spend building Closed Loop Cooking the more I’m reminded that these resources do matter. In fact they’re vital–sustainable food options are going to empower generations to reduce single use waste and cultivate truly renewable food options. I’m reminded every time I have a conversation in my Instagram comments, or friends show up to a workshop I put on, or someone makes one of our recipes. So many other people are looking for support in a low waste practice and in that I understand the value of Closed Loop Cooking. This work does not exist in a vacuum.
I’m thankful for an engaged community, I’m thankful that I love this work and have found support in that. I’m thankful for your patience as I learn and grow in this space. The why of my work is just that–creating a seat at the table for everyone who eats. I appreciate you for showing up and having a moment of vulnerability with me. Keep the why of your work present, it matters.
Stay hungry,Hawnuh Lee | Founder, Closed Loop Cooking

Improv Kitchen | Gnocchi Meets Whiskey
If you're Portland, OR local on 2/27 come join Rile Co. and Closed Loop Cooking for an evening workshop full of fun cooking techniques, local spirits, and food photography tips at one of our favorite venues, Portland Cookshop.

Good NeighborAdobe Creative Resident, Julie Sanduski, is the brilliant designer behind this new food waste reduction app. A hyper-local sharing platform that unites friends, neighbors, and strangers through the “feel good” of sharing food. It’s ingenious, it’s beautiful, and I can’t wait for it to come to Portland. (You can vote for PDX here.)

Bruised Banana OatmealBinned bananas no more! This recipe uses up the overripe banana you have sitting out on the counter, looking forlorn. Banana bread is always on call but maybe we want a different vegan delight–a naturally sweetened, filling, and good for you breakfast bowl. Heck, ya may even leave your bananas out just for this.

Black Men with Gardens
Obsessed with the plant zaddies of @blackmenwithgardens showing off all kinds of suns. More POC representation in sustainability and food always. <3 This image captioned: Exactly what my Friday nights look like. Poppin bottles wit the homies 🍻Bottles of filtered water n the homies Phil, Oden, Dron. Love.
Have an idea we should feature in the newsletter? Want to support us? Drop us a line at [email protected] and tell your pals to sign up. We can’t wait to see what y’all cook up next! #closedloopcooking